to quote Deena: "Integrity means like shame. Like, ‘I got a lot of shame, I got a lot of integrity.'"
Definition: Deena was incorrect about this word. It means the opposite.
"The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness."
*taken from the Google definition
In Context: The young adolescent, who attended church every Sunday, was deemed to have more integrity than the adolescents who stayed home and listened to rock n' roll.
Level of Familiarity:I have heard this word all the time as well as use the word quite frequently. Deena on the other hand, apparently does not. At least correctly.
Reflective Commentary: To explain why I was watching Jersey Shore: The debate was on so nothing else was on at 9. For anybody who happens to catch part of the show, there are many many words we could look up and define. This particular word caught my attention because Deena was using it wrong. While I use the word and hear it all the time, I do not know the actual definition. I know the general meaning of the word but was unsure of its exact meaning. Unlike Deena, I know that it has nothing to do with having a lot of shame. I do not remember if they said the actual definition of it on TV, but I hope all the impressionable youths watching the show realize integrity does not mean shame.
The moment where Deena learned the real meaning of a word
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